Whoever coined the expression "cats rule, dogs drool" may have to reconsider that position.
As posted on one of my favorite web sites,
photo by Monty Sloan |
"Oxford University Study concludes that animals who live in social groups need to think more than solitary animals do and as a result have bigger brains......So
as a Genus, members of the dog family (wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackels, etc.) have larger brains than those of the cat family (cougars, bobcats, lynx, jaguars, leopards, cheetahs--lions being the exception as they do live in groups) ..."
photo by Scotti Cohn |
I doubt this will cause my feline friends to lose those smug expressions they always wear, but perhaps this research will allow canids to hold their heads a little higher.
To read the complete article, click on this link: