Saturday, March 19, 2011

Florida Panthers Caught on Camera

An article at tells about a Florida woman who managed to get some once-in-a-lifetime shots of
a Florida panther mother and two cubs in the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve.

Go to the link posted above to take a look at these wonderful photos!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hunting Lions: Unpalatable but Necessary for Conservation?

photo by Scotti Cohn

In an article printed in The Huffington Post (link below), Dr. Luke Hunter, Executive Vice President of Panthera, explains and defends his view that "whatever one's personal feeling, hunting should be regarded as yet another tool in the arsenal of options we must consider if we are to conserve the lion."

Take a look at the article, and see what you think. I confess that I'm hopelessly conflicted about the issue.

Hunting Lions:

Unpalatable but Necessary for Conservation?