I love this video of a serval eating his dinner -- om nom nom! Also, please read the misinformation about the serval, given to the people who bought him. Servals are not tame cats. Why not adopt a shelter cat with a pretty coat pattern instead?!?!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Serval Sounds: OM NOM NOM!
I love this video of a serval eating his dinner -- om nom nom! Also, please read the misinformation about the serval, given to the people who bought him. Servals are not tame cats. Why not adopt a shelter cat with a pretty coat pattern instead?!?!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Walking with Cheetahs
From MailOnline:
"No one knows how long the cheetahs or the San people can exist in this wild landscape. But for now, they live in extraordinary harmony." -- Jonathan Scott
Friday, October 29, 2010
Lessons From Wolves by Jami Wright
I just have to share a link to Jami Wright's thorough and intriguing article on the history of men and wolves, as posted at Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars.... Forever! Wright is a graduate student completing her thesis for a master's degree in Cultural Anthropology at Western Washington University.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A Link to the Lynx
Interesting article about lynx posted at Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars...Forever!
Lynx don't care about the line between Ontario and Minnesota, and researchers on both sides are starting to pay attention.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Combating Global Warming with Wolves
Check out Christina Eisenberg's excellent essay on wolves and global warming, posted at Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars...Forever!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Two Big Lions
A link to some fantastic photos of lions in the wild:
"Two big Lions found last night. . . We have seen these Lions last month at night moving quickly into heavy bush but did not get good images. . . Last evening they were relaxed and in no hurry." ~ Predator Aware
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cougar-Wolf Interactions
Maybe you've heard the expression "fighting like cats and dogs." But what happens in the wild, when a top feline predator encounters a top canine predator? Steve Grooms offers a fascinating look into that scenario:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars... Forever!
I discovered a marvelous blog today that, like this one, explores the past, present, and future of both wolves and big cats (with coyotes included for good measure). As written on the blog, Coyotes, Wolves, Cougars...Forever "is a site that invites research, commentary, point/counterpoint on the suite of native animals(predator and prey) that inhabited The Americas circa 1500-at the initial point of European exploration and subsequent colonization."
I'm looking forward to reading more!
I'm looking forward to reading more!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Texas Tail Saves Florida Panthers, for Now
Texas Tail Saves Florida Panthers, for Now
By Brandon Keim"In a rare story of conservation success, a last-ditch effort to save the Florida panther has slowed, if not reversed, the marvelous animal’s decline."
(Click on the link/title above to read the entire article.)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lost tiger population discovered
Lost tiger population discovered
Lost Land of the Tiger will be broadcast on BBC One at 21.00BST on Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd September.Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wolves in the Midwest vs. the West
Wolves in the Midwest vs. the West. What’s the Difference? Us.
The article by Brodie Farquhar, linked above, does a good job of exploring the differences in attitudes toward wolves around the country. Referencing a master's thesis by Melanie Jane Houston, Farquhar writes:
What Houston found is that overall, media attitudes toward wolves are largely negative and have become more so in the past decade. Houston’s research contradicts analysis by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that public attitudes toward wolves has improved over the past three decades.Not a good sign for the wolves.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Tale of Two Tigers: Escape in Miami, Revenge in Russia
A Tale of Two Tigers: Escape in Miami, Revenge in Russia
"Tiger tales like these always make me think of Chris Rock. I know it sounds odd, but he inevitably is called to mind on the basis of one particular stand-up act. After one or another various circus-based tiger attacks, this comedian sagely quipped, 'That tiger ain’t go crazy. That tiger went tiger!'" ~ Dr. Patty KhulyFriday, August 13, 2010
Where the wild things are. . . isn't always where they belong
"According to statistics provided by the Wildlife Sanctuary there are more tigers living as pets in just the state of Texas than currently exist in the wild in the entire world. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that 10,000 to 15,000 big cats are in private hands from cages in basements to roadside zoos."
What's wrong with this picture? Everything!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Mountain - The Wolf in WILD INDIGO
It was a romantic idea to bring a wolf into our lives, not a practical one. Mountain was a hybrid, estimated to be 75% wolf due to his breeding, however no one knows for sure.Author Sandi Ault writes about her experiences with Mountain, a wolf-hybrid, and explains why -- in spite of her experience -- she does not recommend owning a wolf-hybrid. I appreciate her candor and respect her judgment on this matter. I suspect that most of not all people who acquire wolf-hybrids are acting on a romantic impulse, and I am doubtful that they are really prepared to offer the animal the life it desires, needs, and deserves.
Sandi's books sound fantastic, and I'm definitely going to read Wild Indigo. Here are links to her website and to her article about Mountain:
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Disappearing Wild Cats & Canids
For an interesting article plus a document prepared by the International Foundation for Animal Welfare (IFAW), click the following links:
July in animal news: Five questions with International Fund for Animal Welfare leader Fred O'Regan
The Fading Call of the Wild: A Status Update on the 15 Species of Disappearing Wild Cats & Canids
July in animal news: Five questions with International Fund for Animal Welfare leader Fred O'Regan
The Fading Call of the Wild: A Status Update on the 15 Species of Disappearing Wild Cats & Canids
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cats in Trees
Beautiful photos of cats in trees!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wild Cat Found Mimicking Monkey Calls
Wild Cat Found Mimicking Monkey Calls; Predatory Trickery Documented for the First Time in Wild Felids in Americas
ScienceDaily (July 9, 2010) — In a fascinating example of vocal mimicry, researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and UFAM (Federal University of Amazonas) have documented a wild cat species imitating the call of its intended victim: a small, squirrel-sized monkey known as a pied tamarin. This is the first recorded instance of a wild cat species in the Americas mimicking the calls of its prey.http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100708141620.htm
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lincoln Park Zoo
Recently I did a book signing at Lincoln Park Zoo (Chicago).
The weather was not terribly cooperative, but I was still
able to get a few good pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Lion!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The North American Black Panther – Myth or Reality?
From the article:
While many plausible explanations exist for the existence of an American black panther, there is also the slimmest, slightest chance that it’s a true cryptid – a brand new species or subspecies that we know nothing about. Just such an animal is appearing in other countries. Hundreds of black panther sightings are reported in Britain every year and also in Australia.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sometimes wolves really can be "big and bad"
I love wolves, and I am truly grateful that I have been able to interact one-on-one with socialized wolves.
I have great misgivings about the approach described in the article at the following link: Howling next door? Don't worry, it's just a San Fernando Valley wolf pack.
It's not clear how much "wolf content" these animals have, but the owners are presenting them as wolves. They say they are whistle-trained and come when called. Young children are encouraged to interact with them.
I find this troubling. First of all, the owners are promising that their whistle-training will override the wolves' natural, instinctive (i.e., predatory) responses. I don't think that's a safe bet at all.
Second, what exactly is this approach "teaching" children about wolves? That they make good pets? That wolves are friendly toward humans? That a wolf poses no threat to a child? Based on my research and conversations with wolf experts, I can't agree with any of that.
No matter how much whistle-training you do, a high-content or pure wolf is NOT the same as a domestic dog. The likelihood of a wolf responding to instinctive, predatory behavior is far higher than the chances of a dog doing the same. Dogs have been conditioned over centuries to relate to humans the way they do. It seems absurd to me that someone would think they have accomplished the same thing with a wolf in just a few years.
I have great misgivings about the approach described in the article at the following link: Howling next door? Don't worry, it's just a San Fernando Valley wolf pack.
It's not clear how much "wolf content" these animals have, but the owners are presenting them as wolves. They say they are whistle-trained and come when called. Young children are encouraged to interact with them.
I find this troubling. First of all, the owners are promising that their whistle-training will override the wolves' natural, instinctive (i.e., predatory) responses. I don't think that's a safe bet at all.
Second, what exactly is this approach "teaching" children about wolves? That they make good pets? That wolves are friendly toward humans? That a wolf poses no threat to a child? Based on my research and conversations with wolf experts, I can't agree with any of that.
No matter how much whistle-training you do, a high-content or pure wolf is NOT the same as a domestic dog. The likelihood of a wolf responding to instinctive, predatory behavior is far higher than the chances of a dog doing the same. Dogs have been conditioned over centuries to relate to humans the way they do. It seems absurd to me that someone would think they have accomplished the same thing with a wolf in just a few years.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Biologist Studies Wolves' Possible Return to Colorado
From the article: "Depending on who you talk to, wolves have been seen in northwest Colorado for several years. But few claims have been verified, until last year when a collared wolf from Yellowstone was found dead near the town of Meeker. Like every corner of the West, wolves are an ultra-sensitive issue here"
Camera Trap Captures Image of Rare Spotted Leopard in Malaysia
From the article: "The news marks a high point in an otherwise bleak outlook for the world’s tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards."
Amazing Photography by Yair Leibovich
Get ready to see some AMAZING photography
of wolves, cats, and more.
of wolves, cats, and more.
Just click on the link below:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Canadian Lynx - Species Spotlight
Beautiful video of a "Rastafarian" lynx (LOL) and interesting info about differentiating between lynx and bobcats.
The comments at the end about game farms make me think twice about purchasing calendars with images of wild animals on them.
MN big cat sanctuary will be home to Texas tiger
MINNEAPOLIS -- The Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone, Minn. will provide a home for a tiger that was rescued from a home in Texas. According to a news release from the Wildlife Sanctuary, the tiger's owner recently died, leaving behind three pet tigers.
The Wildcat Sanctuary wants to remind the public big cats do not make good pets and are a serious threat to public safety.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wild Cats Go Crazy for Calvin Klein’s Obsession
. . . animal specialists ranging from zookeepers at the Bronx zoo to a jaguar researcher in Guatemala have deployed Obsession to attract and distract big cats.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Bobcat kitten update
The cute bobcat kittens are really growing fast! This video introduces the viewer to the purrsonalities of the individual kittens!
Mexican wolf is still struggling
From the LA Times blog:
Agency must decide on proposed endangered species listing for Mexican gray wolf by end of July, judge rules
The Mexican wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf, was exterminated in the wild by the 1930s. The federal government began reintroducing wolves in 1998 along the Arizona-New Mexico border.
The reintroduction program in the Blue Range began with 13 wolves. Biologists had predicted a self-sustaining wild population of 100 wolves by now.
But the latest count at the end of 2009 found 42 Mexican wolves: 27 in Arizona and 15 in New Mexico. The number was a significant drop from the 52 reported a year earlier.
How not to treat a tiger…
If you are told you can have your picture taken with a tiger (or other big cat), please think carefully before you do it. Most opportunities like that require mistreatment of the animal. Is that really what you want to support?
Meet a unique leopard
Meet a unique leopard
Meet Edgar, a handsome cat who has come all the way from Estonia to do nothing less than help save his species.
Radio collars to study tiger behaviour in Sunderbans
Kolkata, Feb 28 (PTI) For an authentic scientific study of their behaviour, tigers in the Sunderbans, the world’s only mangrove eco-system which has big cats, will be fitted with radio collars, forest officials said.
“Last week a tigress which had strayed into Gosaba area in South 24 Parganas district was fitted with a radio collar.
We have to radio collar a few more tigers which will provide information about their behaviour in Sunderbans,” Sunderban Biosphere Reserve (SBR) director Pradeep Vyas told PTI.
There was no scientific study on the behaviour of the big cats in the Sunderbans and all information was based solely on observation, he said.
“So, an authentic scientific study is needed and radio collars will provide us exact information about the behaviour of tigers,” Vyas said.
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Jess Edberg of the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minn., said it’s time. The endangered species listing did what it was supposed to do. “Biologically speaking, the wolves in the Great Lakes area have achieved recovery,” she said. “The Endangered Species act funding is one pool of money. If the wolf no longer requires federal protection, there are hundreds of other species that really are at risk of going extinct and could really use that money.”
Follow the travels of Brutus, the “North Pole wolf”!
“They want to learn how arctic wolves fare in winter”
Thanks to a satellite collar, two innovative scientists, and a blog, people can follow the travels of Brutus, the “North Pole wolf” as he leads his pack through the long arctic winter.
Released: 12/1/2009 7:04:29 AM
Contact Information:
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Office of Communication
119 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
Revisiting the Differences among Wolves, Dogs, and Wolf-Dog Hybrids
An article from the International Wolf Center:
Revisiting the Differences among Wolves, Dogs, and Wolf-Dog Hybrids
Wolves: majestic symbol or bloodthirsty predator?
Debate divides Oregonians
This article makes it clear why this isn’t a “simple” issue that can be resolved easily to everyone’s satisfaction.
Living with Wolves is bringing down the walls of misperception.
For six years, Jim and Jamie Dutcher lived among a pack of wolves in the wilderness of Idaho, filming them, listening to them and earning their trust. . .
Shy Wolf Sanctuary
Naples event helps people overcome their shyness toward wolf-dogs
Shy Wolf Sanctuary is where I first interacted with a wolf/wolf-dog. If you’re ever down in the Naples, Florida area, make an appointment to go visit them!
The Shy Wolf Sanctuary is a local nonprofit organization that provides a home for displaced animals, creates awareness of harmful animal breeding practices and encourages people to be empathetic and understanding toward all forms of life.
Babies, Dogs, and Wolves
Fascinating article from NPR about babies, dogs, and wolves:
Babies And Dogs Make The Same Classic Mistake
Babies And Dogs Make The Same Classic Mistake
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